British Heart Foundation

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (Horton Hospital)

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (Horton Hospital)


Cardiac Rehabilitation, Horton General Hospital, Oxford Road,
Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 9AL

About the Programme

The cardiac rehabilitation nurse will see patient’s who have had a heart attack (MI) whilst in hospital. At this point they will provide the patient with an information booklet and go through this with the patient. This visit will provide verbal and written information, help identify risk factors, provide advice on how to deal with chest pain, explain driving regulations and answer any other questions the patient or their family may have.

After discharge the nurse will contact the patient within one week of discharge, and send a copy of the cardiac rehabilitation plan to the patient and their G.P. The patient will then be invited to attend the cardiac rehabilitation programme which consists of education sessions at the Horton Hospital, Banbury and a supervised exercise programme either at a local leisure centre (Abingdon, Blackbird Leys or Witney) or as an outpatient at the Horton Hospital cardiac rehabilitation gym in Banbury.


T: 01295 229753/229426 F: 01295 229754

Contact 2

T: 01295 229753/229426 F: 01295 229754

Email For Referrals

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